The photographs are a little dark, but I hope you can just make out the faces of the security forces staring out through the small barred truck windows. Big police and security force trucks just like this seem to be parked everywhere and, if you look up at them, you see dozens of pairs of eyes staring down at you from behind barred windows.
One little aside on the black-clad security forces (compared with the white-clad police). The men who serve in the security-forces are conscripted from the poorest sections of Egypt (where people live on less than $1 a day). They have to leave their families and come to live in Cairo for three years. They live in camps on the outskirts of the city where conditions are reported to be terrible. Whenever there are demonstrations or civil discontent, it is usually these security forces who are ordered to come in and beat up the citizens - they get all the government's dirty work...
warmed your heart? God forbid egypt should be plagued with as much gun violence as the united states. we're happy with the insane gun registry laws, thanks.
There was, as I'm sure you're aware, a heavy dose of sarcasm in this comment!! The gun laws in American SCARE ME...
But the guns on the back of the police in Egypt also scare me (just like in the US). Give me a nice truncheon any day (weapon of choice for the Britsh police force... although they're also becoming more heavily armed. yikes).
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