Oh, horror of horrors.... I just went to the supermarket to do my weekly big shop. And I ended up with two packs of MINT kit kats...
A number of friends and family members have asked what I eat here. Well... (said with a somewhat sheepish smile), I've ended up mainly buying over-priced imported stuff that I recognize. Yes! I'm pathetic and failing to embrace a full Egyptian life. But the Egyptian food I've eaten so far has made me feel fat and/ or slightly sick. So... for breakfast I eat natural yogurt with fruit, honey and cashew nuts. For lunch I eat German pumpernickel bread with Egyptian white cheese (yeah! Egyptian stuff!). And for dinner I eat rice and vegetables and an occasional bit of tuna fish. I drink mango and apple juice. Sound a bit healthy?? Yeah. I agree. So today I hit the chocolate and biscuit stands and pounced on a "buy one get one free" kit kat offer. I love kit kats. I steal them shamelessly from my step-dad. But who the hell knew that they came in 'mint' flavour??? I got them home and my roommate said (not very convincingly I thought) "Yeah! mint kit kats".... Mint????!!! How had I failed to notice this extra chemical intrusion into my basic kit-kat joy?? So. I just ate one. And my mouth has an after-taste of fake mouth wash. Maybe this is god telling me to stick to healthy food ;-(
OK - weeeeeiiirddd. Great minds think alike.
I just went to the store to satisfy a chocolate craving and had an out-of-the-blue craving SPECIFICALLY for mint chocs! I couldn't find any....and settled for caramel.
Can you send me a mint kit kat please? Sevil!
I'll fedex the whole two packs to you tonight... you should get them by tomorrow morning!!
I need to talk to you about potential trips to Turkey! It would be so lovely to see you! xxx
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