After Giuliani's attack on the British healthcare system, I was happy to read an intelligent rebuttal by Krugman in the NY Times. Yes, the British healthcare system has its faults (mismanagment, some long waiting lines, overwork of healthcare providers), but -- as Krugman points out -- "there’s very little evidence that Americans get better health care than the British, which is amazing given the fa
ct that Britain spends only 41 percent as much on health care per person as we do." Plus healthcare in Britain isn't simply confined to the wealthy. Everyone can access the care. This is a basic right of all citizens and governments should fulfil their duty to provide such services. Go Michael Moore!!

For the full article, see: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/02/opinion/02krugman.html?em&ex=1194325200&en=657b785c5eb61362&ei=5087%0A
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