In its infinite wisdom, the Egyptian government has banned the sale of all foreign alcohol. I don’t think you can get though life in this city without an occasional stiff drink, so I have been driven to try out Egypt’s finest… Tonight I am sipping on Omar Khayyam’s “Vin Rose.” Usually, I don’t go for a rose. But I thought some additional sweetness would mask the ethanol overtones. Omar Khayyam was an Egyptian poet and there is a small extract of his work on the back: “Dreaming when Dawn’s Left Hand was in the Sky/ I heard a voice within the Tavern cry/ ‘Awake my little ones, and fill the Cup,/ Before Life’s Liquour in its Cup be dry’.” (random capitalization verbatim).
Khayyam allegedly was a big drinker, and would continually be pulled before authorities who condemned him for his immoral ways. But he argued that wine was a necessary joy in life… and I wholeheartedly agree.
This wine is, so the bottle says, celebrating 125 years of production. That would be 125 years of headache-inducing hangovers. I haven’t even tried the Egyptian vodka that I bought this evening. My roommate said it might make me blind… But as long as it helps me sleep through the morning prayers, I’m a happy woman! The beer is also not that bad. I've stocked my fridge with Sakara at the moment ...
But next time I pass through duty free… I’m going to load up on Scottish whiskey, British gin and any vodka that won’t make me blind…
1 comment:
yes, a fundamental rule of living in cairo is to stock up at the duty free.
like i mentioned before, theres a distinct hierarchy of egyptian wines, and khayyam is at the bottom. HE WAS Persian by the way, and many people attribute his verse to religious symbolism, or even love.
ID vodka is drinkable...but on no account try the other spirits. it's generally best (and your foreign ilk usually agree) to stick to stella.
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